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Monday 8 April 2019

What is Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Operating Systems - Difference Between Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Operating System

Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Operating System - What is Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Operating Systems - Difference, Definition Details etc...

Multi-processing and Multi-programming Operating Systems

What is Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Operating Systems

Multi-programming Operating System:

In simple batch operating system one badness that the processor often remains idle when the process under execution is halt due to some external event. And according to the processor input and output devices are also slow, therefore, most of the time the processor remains idle. To remove this badness, the concept of multi-programming operating system was introduced.
Multi-programming operating system is that type of operating systems which allows running of multiple computer programs simultaneously on a single processor. For example, you may be typing in MS Word, listening to music while in background Internet Explorer is downloading some pages from internet. Working in windows 7, windowsVista, windows XP and Linux environment is multi-programming.
In the multi-programming operating system, several programs are active at the same time in RAM of the computer. This means that more than one job is filled in RAM and executed by a single processor. Figure below shows main memory partitioned into five (05) frames holding four (04) jobs.

Main Memory (Ram)
Operating System
Job 3
Job 2
Job 1
Job 0
Main Memory Partitioning in Multi-programming:

Advantages of Multi-Programming Operating System:

Multi-programming OS make efficient use of processor by interleaving multiple active jobs that reside in RAM. It also attempts to increase CPU utilization by always having something for the CPU to execute. RAM is efficiently utilized to hold more jobs than one at a time.

Limitations of multi-programming:

Multi-programming requires context switching since several programs (processes) sequentially share the CPU. This typically introduces processing delay compared to a dedicated unshared process.    

Multi-processing Operating System:

The use of multiple central processing units (CPU's) within a one PC is called Multiprocessing. A multiprocessing system can multiple tasks in parallel on multiple CPU’s and thus there should be an operating system to control such parallel executions. Multiprocessor operating system that perform this task.

What is Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Operating Systems

As multiprocessing operating system execute multiple tasks in parallel, therefore, a single process can be divided into small independent units, called threads, and executed in parallel on multiple processors giving birth to the concept of multi-threading.
The most used multiprocessing operating systems are symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing systems. In symmetric multiprocessing systems, all the CPU's are equals but in asymmetric multiprocessing systems the is one master CPU controlling other CPU's called slave CPU's.

Advantages of Multi-processing Operating Systems:

If you have to run multiple programs at the same time, multi-processors can be very useful. Another special advantage of multi-processors is that, that more and more programs these days are multithreaded. A multi-threaded application is a single program or application that can make use of more than one processors/cores. If one processor fails to work than the load is share by other processors.

Limitations of Multi-processing Operating Systems:

Cost and power consumption are the disadvantage of multiprocessing operating system. A large main memory is required. A very sophisticated operating system is required to schedule, balance and co-ordinate the input, output and processing activities of multiple CPU's.

Multi-programming Vs Multi-processing Operating System:

Multi-programming is different from multiprocessing in the sense that in multi-programming multiple programs are processed by a single processor in an interleaved passion giving the impression of being executed simultaneously while in multiprocessing operating systems multiple processors execute more than one programs simultaneously.

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