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Saturday 13 April 2019

Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System

Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System - What is Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System & Difference...

Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System

Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System

Operating system is classified according to the following criteria's.
  1. Single User Operating System
  2. Multi User Operating System
  3. Time Shared Operating System

Single User Operating System:

Single user operating system allows only one user to use the system for micro-computer a single user operating system offer the following function.
  1. Initialization of system in which the operating system must have initial loader program to initialize the system properly.
  2. File Management an operating system contains the file management programs that control the process of creation, deletion and access of files of data and the programs.
  3. Memory Management in type of operating system, this memory management is simple, as only one application is executed at one time. If there is another application to be run the previous is remove from the memory.
  4. Input Output management: I/O management in this type of operating system is more simple as compare to other because one I/O device is made active at a time.
Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System

Multi User Operating System:

Multi user operating system allow more than one user at a time to use the system. The function provide by OS are:
  1. Initialization is more Complex than single user operating system because it is possible that more than one computer be initialized by server.
  2. File Management is more complex in this case because a file may be accessed or shared by more than one user. If a user is using currently a file and another user also trying to access this file than it is duty of operating system to lock the file for other user and also set Security (permissions) on file also share a file to make it available on Network.
  3. Memory management available memory of server is divided among different user the rest of memory management is the same as the single OS dot it also uses a technique called paging to allow your computer to run more programs then its physical memory by storing memory page is not currently in use on a mass storage device called virtual memory.
  4. Input output management It is also complex because more than one devices managed by operating system.
  5. Resource Management resources (printer, CD drive, floppy drive are available to all user on network) these devices can be shared to access from other computer.
  6. Process management in multi-user operating system more than one application is executed at a time this capability is called multitasking.
  7. Processor management in multi-user operating system more than one user connected to the system. Hence the processing speed must be fast to manage a user request for this reason a system must have more than one processor multi-user system has capability to manage all these processors.
  8. Communication management in multi user operating system one computer is connected with more than one systems. Hence it has capability to create new user, assign passwords in permissions.
Single User Operating System and Multi User Operating System

Time Shared System:

Time sharing operating systems are those operating systems with slice processor (CPU) time into small Fixed time slice and assign the processes to the CPU for that time slice to be executed. if the process is completed by the processor in its allotted time slice, it quits the system and CPU is assigned to the new process waiting on the top of the ready queue. If the time slice expires in the process still remains incomplete, it is added at the back of the ready queue for its next turn.

Advantages of time sharing operating system: 

  1. Minimizes response time. 
  2. Supports user interactivity. 
  3. A process does not wait for a long time if it is preceded by a process of large execution time. 
  4. All processes get equal chances for execution.

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