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Friday 12 April 2019

Classification of Computer - What is Classification of Computer

Classification of Computer - What is Classification of Computer - Full Explained notes of Classification of Computer...

Classification of Computer

Classification of Computer - Classes of Computer


Computer is an interrelated combination of components that performs the basics function of input, processing, output, storage, and controlling, and provide information to end users.

There are four classes of computer:

  1. Micro Computers 
  2. Mini Computers
  3. Mainframe Computers
  4. Super Computers

Micro Computer:

These are also called Personal Computers (PC). Micro computers are the most popular digital computers which is used in the life every field. These computers are small in memory and processing capability. These are also called Chip Computers, because its entire circuitry is fabricated on a single chip. Today's microcomputer is equivalent to the mainframe computer of tomorrow. e.g. IBM-PC, XT, AT, Compatibles, 286, 386, 486, 586, P-I, P-II, P-III, P-IV etc.

Classification of Computer - Classes of Computer

Mini Computer:

Mini computers are larger than Personal Computer (Micro Computers), These are larger than PCs in size and all other facilities such as speed, storage capacity, etc. To serve many Users at one time are the capabilities of these computers. They are costly as compared to PCs. The speed of these computers are rated from 1 to 50 MIPS. E.g. Vax/117730, IBM.8370, etc.

Mainframe Computer:

Mainframes are the largest, expensive and fastest computers of the world, which is used in large Organizations. Mainframes are able to communicate with a great(large) amount of data and support the several input and output devices. Typical mainframe cost is in millions of rupees and can serve as much as hundred & fifty users.
 Mainframe Computers have Memory of several hundred Megabytes, and operate in nanoseconds. e.g. IBM.360, IBM/3090, etc.

Classification of Computer - Classes of Computer

Super Computer:

Super computers are also called with another name "Number Cruncher", because they are specially designed Computers for numbers dealing. i.e. they are capable of performing over 10 Mega flops (i.e. millions floating point operations per second). These Computers are very much expansive. Two families of commercially available Super Computers are the GRAY-1 and Cyber 205 built by ILLIAC-IV. These are specially used in Atomic reactor, defense system NASA. (USA)

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