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Tuesday 9 April 2019

What is Process Management in C/C++ - Process Management

Process Management - What is Process Management in C/C++ - Full Explained Note of Process Management...

Process Management

What is Process Management

Process Management:

As discussed earlier, Process Management is one of the important functions of system. Following sections describe process in detail with a comparison to Threads.


Following are some definitions of process:
  1. A program under execution by the process (CPU) is called process. 
  2. An instance of a program running on a computer is called process. 
  3. The entity that can be assigned to an executed on a CPU is termed as process.

Process States:

A process can be in one of the different states: New, ready running, block and exit. These states are usually represented in the form of model is called process model.

a.  New State:
When new process is created then it is said to be in a new state.
b.  Running State:
A process is said to be in running state if it is under execute by the Processor. The means that the process actually using the CPU at that particular time.
c.  Blocked (or waiting) State:
A process is said to be in blocked state if it is waiting for an event to happen such as an Input / Output completion before it can proceed by the CPU.
d.  Ready State:
A process is said to be in a ready state if its ready to be assigned to the processor for processing.
e.  Terminated state (or exit):
A process is said to be in terminated state if the processor has finish its execution.
An example of a five state process model is given below:

What is Process Management in C/C++

Figure:  Five-State Process Model

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